Assign to self (by default)
under review
Option to auto-assign tasks to its author by default.
Auto-assign all task depending on conditions. (i.e. all tasks on a personal board gets assigned to yourself automatically)
Maybe a switch that allows this functionality 🔛
Inspiration: This is the functionality of, for example, Clickup
Log In
This is one of the small practical things that I am missing a lot in Taskade. The previously suggested automation just works within a certain project. One would have to set it up for all projects.
Just a switch at project and workspace level to switch on/off auto assignment would do it..!
After so much great but complex new features, I think it is crucially important to increase usability again!
Merged in a post:
Widget doesn’t work
I’m on IOS and the widget feature doesn’t work for the past month. I tried many different things and still doesn’t work. It didn’t show the task list scheduled or not
Hi there, could you clarify if the task has been assigned to yourself and a due date attached? Could you also share with us what version of IOS are you using?
ryantaskade I just tried to assign it to myself and I worked! I didn’t thought it could be that. I’m using Taskade alone, is there a way to remove this or automatically assign it to myself?
molliex: Currently that's not possible, i've merge this post to the relevant feature request
Hello, I found a solution to auto assign any task
I use automation
Trigger : New due date
Action : Task assign (choose user)
it works perfectly
then i also use an other automation
when a task has due date and is assigned i move it from my back log to my todo
when the task is checked i move it to done.
Yes! I would really like this feature to since I'm not using Taskade in a team
Narek Zograbian
wenske71: This may be possible with Automation in the future.
Narek Zograbian
Maybe such an option would be enough to be enabled in the user settings?
So that a given person has all created tasks assigned to him by default.
Narek Zograbian
jack-s I think for the sake of consistent experience, we'd run this through automation and make it for every Task that's created in that workspace.
Narek Zograbian
But won't Automation make it more complicated❓
I think it would be simpler, like in Clickup, including one additional option in the user settings.
Narek Zograbian
jack-s So, would this be for all workspaces? What happens when someone has this setting activated but they're invited to someone else's workspace?
Good question.
You would need to do research, e.g. in Clickup, how did he solve it❓
John at Taskade
under review
Hi everyone, note for now you can select multiple tasks and assign to yourself, using the bottom toolbar. See screenshot attached:
John at Taskade
Hi everyone, note for now you can select multiple tasks and assign to yourself, using the bottom toolbar. See screenshot attached:
Lee Busch
OMG yes. Let us choose the default assignee. Just make it easy to reassign, eg: remove original and assign new person in one action, if that's the user's preference.
Alternative proposal: add an "Unassigned" filter to the My Tasks page
I'm guessing this would be easier to implement, and it provides 2 benefits:
- For personal projects, I can easily see all my tasks—without assigning any of them—by bookmarking My Tasks → Unassigned
- On teams, we can easily see which tasks need to be groomed by deferring assignment until they've been triaged
Narek Zograbian
alexwforsythe: Hey there! You can see unassigned tasks from the My Tasks page.
This feature request may be solved temporarily with an automation that would automatically assign tasks to the user—once we release automation in the coming weeks.
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