A GET /projects/{projectId}/tasks does not include the completed field in the the items collection response expected: { "ok": true, "items": [ { "id": "TASK_ID", "text": "TASK_CONTENT", "parentId": "PARENT_TASK_ID", "completed": true } ] } what's returned (no completed on any tasks in items ): { "ok": true, "items": [ ... { "id": "TASK_ID", "text": "TASK_CONTENT", "parentId": "PARENT_ID" }, ... ] } At first I thought this was normal behavior, so I started to retrieve each task's completion status with the GET task route, but was quickly hit with throttling, which is to be expected since I was sending many requests, while I don't send that many while listing all project's tasks. Having this field present on the response for the collection returned from GET /projects/{projectId}/tasks would be ideal, as it's currently documented too. screenshots from https://www.taskade.com/api/documentation/static/index.html#/Project/projectTasksGet and https://developers.taskade.com/docs/api/tasks